The Overall Impact of Google Panda after Two Years of Its Release

Google Panda– this name has definitely brought some major changes in the entire SEO industry since its launch some two years back. What is Google Panda you may ask? Google Panda is actually an algorithm by the well known search engine Google which divides the content into good and poor content and every website must pass this algorithm in order to gain higher rankings in the search results. Content plays a very vital role when it comes to mapping the success of a website and the content should be as per the standards of Google Panda.

When you take a look at any Google algorithm you will find a list of websites that are winners and the ones who fall in the category of losers. The same is true for Google Panda as well. Google Panda really came in with a bang and changed things for many SEO companies as some had to adopt new names while some also went out of business. It is not that this algorithm by Google had only bad impacts as some of the websites gained a lot from Google Panda and as a reward they got loads of web traffic diverted their way. Let us now move on and take a little detailed look on some of the Google Panda losers and how they have been doing these two years.

Look into the Last Two Years for Google Panda Losers is one of the entries on this list and this website was introduced in the year 2006 and

it is one of the user-generated content website where the people can post their written articles and also discuss topics on their forum. The Google Panda update did not bring very good news for this website and it suffered from a heavy loss of web traffic as told by the CEO of The visibility of the website has gone down by almost 62 percent and it is all thanks to Google Panda. is also one on the list of Panda losers and this website was launched in the year 2007. It is actually a human-curate search website where people wrote pages that could match some of the popular searches of the search engines. Google Panda was not bad for the website but it was very bad and bought some awful news for the website. The visibility of the website decreased by almost 77 percent when Google Panda hit it and the things have only worsened with time as the visibility has gone down by 92 percent. is third website that was hit bad by the Google Panda and is struggling to gain its former glory. This website contains user generated articles and the statistics have shown that the visibility of dropped by almost 81 percent within weeks of Google Panda’s official launch in the market and the situation is still bad for the website. Google Panda has really made it hard for the website to survive with its current business model and that is why is working hard to change the whole thing.

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