Install an SSL Certificate

Install an SSL Certificate

SSL has become a ranking factor since 2014. If you’re wondering why, the answer is pretty simple. Because of security. Cybercrime has been on the rise constantly and more and more people share more and more sensitive data on the web. Installing an SSL should be...
Implement Tracking on Your Site

Implement Tracking on Your Site

Tracking is extremely important. If you don’t track your rankings and traffic, you can’t spot the issues with your website. What pages do the users leave quickly? You know you can improve those first, especially if the search volume for them is high! Also, if you...
Add Breadcrumbs to Your Pages

Add Breadcrumbs to Your Pages

Adding breadcrumbs can be very beneficial to your website, especially if it’s an eCommerce one. This is due to the fact that they create structure within your site. Most, if not all online stores, link their products from their category pages. This means that the...
Optimize Your Titles and Headings

Optimize Your Titles and Headings

As mentioned in the introduction, I was often surprised to see that although some of my clients had paid big money for SEO services in the past, basic optimization things like keyword research and title optimization were not performed. These being said, make sure your...